Friday, June 22, 2012

summer is here, time to refocus

summer has arrived. well sorta arrived. arrived for a day or so at 22c then back to rain and then back to sun but i will take it. better than rain rain rain.

here is my food picture. english muffin, tomato, avocado, feta and fried egg. yum.

i know typically in the summer my running mileage dips. i am not going to worry about it this year. bunz getting ready for your marathon. happy running. i will pick it back up again in the fall. i will run a minimum of 10 miles a week. i am taking the focus off calories and weight loss and i am going to exercise for both fun and to get outside. i am also going to eat for fun. i am not going to scrutinize and stress about everything i put in my mouth. i have been doing this on and off since january with NO weight change so i am letting it go.

so what did i do this week. i ran, i hiked, i gardened. i didn't do any weights but my gardening for 3 hours made up for that. with all the bad weather we have had everything is overgrown and out of control. it is now in control again!! 

on wednesday i drove to the north shore to go do the grouse grind. this is vancouver in a nut shell. weather can be horrid for weeks but one beautiful day and we all seem to forget. it was super busy. i expect this. you can read about it here if you wish (grind info). it is only 2 miles but it is 2 miles UP hill. there is no flat. NO FLAT. 853 meters straight up, that is 2,798 feet for my American friends.  i thought i could do it in an hour. i was humbled as i clamored to the top in 1h18mins. at point i thought i may day or my lungs may burst. i started off too fast which caused lots of issues. i also didn't bring my inhaler so i took it "easy" if you can call it easy. here are some pics from the hike. i took the gondola down. going down is probably harder than going up since there were points i actually crawled up rock faces.

up up up and up

snow at the top!
view from gondola ride down, the bottom is where that lake is on the right (ocean at the top/left)

Friday, June 15, 2012

just cause i said so

i VOWED to right about something food related and here it is. i was going to write all about my homemade perogies but i forgot to take pictures. so you get a salad picture. this is what i ate pretty much everyday for lunch this week.

*italian blend lettuce
*raw pumpkin seeds
*apple or pear
* balsamic vinegar/grapeseed oil dressing

ta da!
I went on my killer run on monday after work. why is it killer? well out of the 4 miles, 2 miles are up hill. 1 mile stretches of up hill at a time. i took this picture at the top. this bridge is literally in my back yard. this bridge made my commute go from 45-60 mins to 15-20mins so i love it. i didn't love it on monday. especially when a chick pushing a double jogging stroller passes me. seriously. she is a monster. i will always say when i pushed h around in the stroller i was in the best shape of my life. it sucks and you push yourself to get it done as soon as you can but seriously chick? my ego is very fragile right now. my feet also fell asleep. both of them. trying running down hill for 10 mins with sleepy feet. then cause i was so beat i decided to cut across the field/gravel/tall grass. not so smart with sleepy feet. i survived without a twisted ankle even when that little brown snake scared the begeezes out of me.
this is the new skirt i bought and me being a jackass. i like it (the skirt). don't love it. for the price though it is good. legs don't creep up and it is better than shorts for a long run.  i also ordered a black skirtsports skirt i found on sale. yes i know black is boring but it goes with everything so i love it.

i took a 6 month full time posting. come september i will be working a monday to friday 9-5 type shift. however, in july and august my shift just sucks. i am going away for almost 2 weeks this summer so i decided to suck it up for the other 6 weeks. i can do it. six weeks. i will be working friday, saturday and sunday evenings (woo hoo!) then another couple of days a weeks. days could be afternoon to. means to an end, means to an end... well that is what i keep telling myself.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

nothing new or exciting

i ran a lot last week. like 15 miles. that is just crazy talk for me lately. didn't make it to a spin class. i plan on spinning this week on Tuesday. many of those miles were on the treadmill with netflix. right now i am watching the first season of justified and breaking bad. seem to be enjoying both. i am a bit off 90210 lately after a couple of downer episodes. i strenghted train

weather is so crappy still. rain, rain, and more rain. we get a couple hours with no rain but not really any sunshine to speak of. tomorrow afternoon and Friday there are supposed to be brief windows of sunshine so i will be all over them and outside if i can.

i am vowing (wow that is serious) to create one food related blog entry a week. when i started this blog that was my goal and i don't believe i have ever posted anything about food or a recipe on her.

going to have a hectic week thanks to h's ball hockey playoff schedule. if they keep winning they will have 4 games in the next 7 days. in my opinion that is a bit much for 6-8 year olds. if they win they go to provincials. they won their league regular season but have been struggling in the playoffs so now are in the lower brackets which means more games!

work, sigh. i don't even want to write about. looking to the job gods that something comes along better for me soon within my own company. i need a change desperately. i am not desperate enough to leave my well paid unionized corporate environment though after putting in so many years here. 13 years with the same company. yikes!
i met a friend for a coffee the other night at Waves and got this. well it wasn't coffee. it was some sort of roobios tea lattee? i have no clue. lots of foam. i love foam. do you love foam? i normally request extra foam.  it was purdy and an odd colour. i think i liked it.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


i thought i had posted a blog with my results of ripped, run and ride but i guess i did not. you will never know.


well i have been to vegas and back. great trip again. we love mandalay bay. can't wait to go back in november to see my bunnies. we saw ka. it was really good. blew my 6 year old's mind. well blew my mind too.

since i have been back i have been eating well and working out a ton. ok, yesterday was not well due to alcohol and doritos but it was my one bad day since i got back. i know that alcohol leads to doritos so that is why i tend to avoid the alcohol. however, it was pitt meadows day which is a super fun community filled day. seriously, my kid looks forward to it more than christmas. seriously. started the day with a parade and ended it with fireworks. pretty good.

so i am done working full time and i liked it. yes krissy i know you think i am nuts. however, after 8+ years of shift work and having a different schedule every week i loved just knowing what was going on. i had a sense of routine. i am a routine person by nature so unsure how i survived this long on such a crazy schedule.  right now i am working 3-4 days a week normally. usually 4. even with sometimes 3 days off i still felt unrested. also i have been stuck on afternoons a lot lately so i loved being able to see my kid every day. the down side is right now i have 3-4 days a week i can workout without worrying about what to do with my kid. working days i will have to worry about this every work out. however, h is a bit older now and for most practices and such this full i should be able to just drop him and literally RUN if i want to. even worse, i may have to get up at the crack of dawn or during the winter hours before the crack of dawn.

next holiday to look forward to? hawaii in august! august can't get here soon enough. we are having awful weather since we got back from vegas. rain, rain, go away!

your also welcome for the random pictures of flowers in my garden. come on summer!