Saturday, July 27, 2013

I am not really good at this blogging thing?

I have been MIA again. Nothing has been going on really that is exciting. I usually like blogging about boring life stuff but that is not even motivating me to run this year. Working full time has cut down on my ME time which is when i used to do things like write blogs. I have many draft blogs that I do not post. I found Dery girls the other day too stuffed in a corner in my bedroom. I need to take Dery out to see Vancouver and mail her off to someone new. Is Dery the blue bunny's name even? Derry? Berry?

H is leaving Monday for a week and a half away with my parents. Not sure what I am going to do with myself now that I don't have to speed home. Guess I don't have to get up early to work out? I might do it before work anyway. I WILL RIDE MY BIKE TO WORK AT LEAST ONCE THIS WEEK. My only goal this spring/summer/fall was to ride my bike more and i am failing at doing so. Failing miserably.

I haven't cooked anything new or done any amazing workouts.

We did book our fall holiday so I have that to look forward too.

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