Friday, July 20, 2012


i have survived my first week back at full time. i will be full time for the remainder of the year. i haven't worked this long full time in 9 years! 9 years peeps! crazytown.

nothing else too new or exciting. played a TON of tennis this week. H is obsessed. 2 hours the other night and i had to draw the line. the kid can exercise like crazy. yesterday he had 1 hour tennis lesson, 1.5 hrs of ball hockey and then still FORCED me to a tennis death match for 1 hour after hockey. he is a nut. (like his mama). i have only ridden once this week. bad me. oh well.

urban outfitters
i am wearing purdy pink flat shoes today. crazytown again.  i like them though and got them last time i was in vegas. here is a picture. i still can't believe i bought pink shoes. pigs are flying somewhere peeps.

tonight i am going out to dinner with some friends. i haven't seen one of them since her wedding last summer. that is so bad. you think i need to get out more? home is so cozy and safe though?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

What I have been up to

I have not run this week. Me and running have officially broke up for now. As with any dysfunctional relationship I am sure we will get back together at some point but for now I am DONE.

I may still do intervals on the treadmill for fitness but training for races at this point is done. I de-registered from the half in Vegas in November.

  So if i didn't run what did I do all week? I rode. I did one spin class and 2 outdoor rides on my bike. I also installed, all by myself, a bike computer on my bike. yeah me!  i actually attempted this twice. once with 2 drinks in me which did not work out too well. the next morning i found the install surprisingly easy? duh. what do i have to do now on my bike? find some hills. i live surrounded by farm land. i can do 20k without any real traffic which is great however it is just flat which can get boring. I ALSO HAVE TO GET MORE COMFORTABLE RIDING IN TRAFFIC. I AM A CHICKEN SHIT.  i did intervals on the bike the other day, hard for 1 min and then rest for 1 min. my bike is not super fast so i pludge along at 20-25km/hr while people on their $10000 fancy dancy road bikes fly by me effortlessly. i know they have been riding longer, duh, but it appears effortlessly ok???? i know if i got smoother tires too that would help with my speed. i also bought new cycling shoes. the ones i have been wearing were always too small. i didn't realize they were 2 sizes too small. ouch eh? so much more comfortable now and i can wear real socks apposed to pantyhose type skinny ones.
my bike

Besides that i have been kid free all week while my parents took h away "camping" in their 40' motorhome. it has been weird being totally kid free. i enjoyed it but i also miss my baby.  he has tennis lessons this week. you know how hard it has been for me to resist buying him some little white shorts and a white sweater vest. so cute.


other exciting news. i have gotten a temp supervisor position for the rest of the summer starting monday. so that means i start monday-friday type hours on MONDAY instead of September. woo hoo! 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

long time no entry

i didn't blog last week because i was saving up to write about the Canada day run i did on july 1. i wanted to wait and see if there were any good pics from the race but there weren't.

race report, drizzly and wet. perfect for running since sometimes it is too hot for this race. felt like garbage the whole run. fyi i feel like garbage during all my runs lately. running is never fun anymore and not sure what i am going to do about this. all it is right now is the quickest way to burn some calories. at points running has been about burning calories but i still enjoyed it. not enjoying it right now. i always hurt. no matter how much i stretch my muscles are getting stiffer and stiffer. i am sore all the time.  wow, that got off track in a hurry.

when i checked my results though it said 44 mins. wow that is smoking fast for me. i didn't wear a watch again so i approximated my time at about 47 mins.
 well the course was short and not a complete 8km. this is my normal 8k route so it was probably 0.4 miles short by my estimation. so hence my speedy time. when i mapped out the course just less then 10mm which i am happy about. lots of speedy runners making me feel like a turtle. i even got passed by an 84 year old woman. seriously i suck. a woman with ZERO muscles (not exaggerating as i ran behind her for a while so i could study this, before slowing down with exhaustion). how is this crazy ass 84 year old running 930mm with ease with NO muscle?  i am complaining about being stiff and sore and this warrior woman can zoom past me at almost 50 years my senior. it was like a scene out of a horror movie. this route pretty much goes right by my house and my parents and i thought about sneaking off the route and just going home. a couple of years ago i was one of the zippy runners and now i am pulling up the rear.

i am sorry about the random placement of the pictures. it won't let me move them.  i love that h loves to run and is so competitive. he pushes himself so hard. he was near puking after running a sub 5min/km. still smiling though. this is one reason i have kept running as this is something we are starting to do together. the pics with the mountain? that is from a hike h and i did at golden ears. after about 2k he wanted to go back cause he had to GO. he refused to GO in the bushes so we jogged back the 2k on the trail through mud. we had fun. he seems to be a lot like me and likes to get stuff done asap. efficient. running is more efficient than walking.

is this blog all over the place or what. are you able to follow along?