well not much exciting has gone on this week. i have been working my butt off at the gym and eating well and guess what. that darn number on the scale isn't moving? sigh. well i am feeling good and that is more important. still limiting meat. only had it a couple of times this week.
i did two 4 mile runs this week and two 3 mile runs this week from sunday to saturday plus 2 spin classes, 1 easy elliptical and 2 strength training workouts. wow that was tiring just reading that. i rock.

this is a glimpse of the lululemon head band i bought with a xmas giftcard. not so pretty when i am red, blotchy and snotty so you get the cropped version. i believe the roushed part is supposed to be in the middle but i like it off to the side a little.
well it snowed for the first time this winter last night. not nice snow. calling it snow is being really nice. more like slush. yucky, cold, wet stuff. so my kid got to go play outside in the snow rain while i watched out the window, jogged on the treadmill and watched 90210. it is supposed to stay cold and snowy for most of the coming week. unsure if i will venture outside or not. yes i am a weather wimp. i don't like soggy feet.
Your treadmill has a TV?! So jealous!
PS That is the headband I’ve been drooling over.
LOVE the head band,... but so far Amee's magical headband is the only one that stays on my cabbage. I got the stink eye at the ferry landing today in the bathroom, while washing my hands and face after my bike ride by a much, MUCH, cuter girl bike rider... younger, not at all read faced and sweaty, and way fitter than me. I suddenly became proud of my snotty, sweaty, red exercise face. lol!
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