I am one week into a challenge I have started for myself. I am heading to Vegas on May 21 and need to tone up. I am not trying to lose weight however if I do I will not complain. My main goal is to get back into strength training. I have started working full time again and have not been to the gym once. I honestly miss my morning spin classes. I don't like a couple of the afternoon instructors. I miss the gym but that doesn't mean i haven't been kicking but at home. I named my challenge Ripped, Run and Ride.
The RIPPED comes from me using Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 for strength training. If you know me you know I love Jillian. I love her workout formats. Her book Making the Cut changed my life both personally (met some lovely bunz) and physically. Ripped in 30 is pretty much the same as 30 Day Shred. She uses the 3:2:1 method of:
3 minutes strength
2 minutes cardio
1 minute abs
the video is 3 sets of this. the video runs for about 25 mins per workout. the weights are not super heavy which is perfect for me at home as i don't have any super heavy weights at home. while i am on a Jillian love fest you should also check out her podcasts on itunes. I like listening to them when i run instead of music sometimes. especially on long runs.
The RUN and RIDE part is self explanatory i think. running minimum 12 miles a week and ride when i can. I am easing into riding my road bike this year so i don't kill my neck and lower back. i don't think i will be able to ride my bike to work this summer which is a bit of a bummer. the route i need to take i very heavy in construction right now since they are building a new bridge and fixing the highway.
so my goal is to do 20 workouts in the next 25 days. all workouts will include strength and the run/ride comes secondary.
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