Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year

Another year has gone by.

2012 was pretty boring. Nothing crazy. I like that.

Highlights of the year?

-Meeting my bunnies in Vegas
-H's first time Snowboarding
-Vegas with family

For the first time in many years NONE of my highlights include fitness or food. In someways this is good. I am not obsessing which I have a tendency to do. However, because I am not obsessing my waist line has expanded quite a bit. Although, I would like to lose a few I am not motivated to starve myself.

Do I miss running?

Sometimes. Rarely. Most of the time not. I do intervals occasionally on the treadmill but I do not miss distance running. I do miss the amounts of calories it burned but that is not a good reason to do something. I may do couch to 5k. Still undecided. I think this spring/summer I am going to try to focus on cycling.

Do I have a New Years resolution?


Do I plan on making one?


I watched Les Miserables yesterday. Finally. I was a bit late for the party. Yes, I know it has only been out a week but I have been obsessed with it since 1992 people. I love it. No other musical compares. The story is exceptional and the music is exceptional. Does the movie give the play justice? Yes I think it does. It gives all of us Les Miserables fanatics who sat in the back row of a theatre finally the close up glimpse of the emotions the songs deliver. The movie was well done? Was it perfect? Nope. At times the singing wasn't as powerful as I wished. The one real let down for me was Javert (Russel Crowe). In no way was his singing bad but I just felt it was sung from the head instead of the gut. It is hard to explain. Anne Hatheway (who is NOT a favorite of mine normally) was breathtaking. I want to cry just thinking about it. I cried 3x during the movie. Glad I wore my waterproof mascara.

Yesterday we also had Turkey dinner. since we didn't have it on Christmas we did it yesterday. yeah christmas didn't happen as planned. s got sick and h and i had popcorn for dinner while we watched a movie. It made me secretly happy to have a quiet christmas. shhhhhhh!

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